Fully Fitted, the production group headed up by XXXchange (best known for his production work in Spank Rock and most recently for his production work for The Kills) and filled out with Devlin & Darko (BBC Sound System / Spank Rock live DJs) and Pase Rock will be releasing their debut 12" of re-edits and original productions June 3rd on Turntable Lab. I really wanna hear the Amanda Blank track. She is HOT!!!! Her, Kid Sister and Lil Mama need to form a super group like Kanye, Lupe and Pharrel are doin'.
Download: Fully Fitted "100 Million"
Track Listing:
1. Genevan Heathen Intro
2. Roll It - DJ Class (FF Remix)
3. Roll It - DJ Class (FF Remix) feat. Pase Rock
4. 100 Million
5. He Not In (XXXChange Rework)
6. 50 Ways feat. Amanda Blank
7. 50 Ways
8. New Day
9. Shake It